You just had a breakup and you're Crying over it and simply can't move on? or just searching for it to "How to get over it? Well this is the right place to give you some Tips and actually some Logic why not to think about it and move on
How to survive a BreakUp and How to get over a Breakup
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Here are some tips that actually works
  • It's Over -Yep It's done and there's no way spoil your Life over it and stop thinking and regretting it.
  • See the Positive side of life - When you had a Break Up and can't help it to get over it just think for once about Your Own Life about the Positive side and Positive future for your Well. If you can't see it at-least Hope for it.
  • It wasn't working - If the Reason for your Break Up was this than it is good that the Relation is now over 'cause there was no future in it as You both have already tried if not than I must say it was a Hurry but No time for regretting it now. :)
  • Loose contact with them - If you'll try to keep in touch with them even after the breakup trust me it won't work So, the No contact rule applies after the breakup, you must loose all the contact from your Ex, Delete there phone number.
  • Delete all the Memories - Whatever reminds you of them loose it, Delete the photos you had together, delete his/her photos from your phone through it in the garbage or if it does not work Try Burning all those Valentine Gifts, those love letters and everything that reminds you of him/her.
  • Spend Time with Family & Friends - Go and have a talk with them Trust Me You'll feel 100x times better. and if possible try it with your friends too or maybe One whom you call your Best friend.
  • Go Out - Don't just sit lonely inside your Room, because It'll make you worse and turn into depression or worse than it So Dress up and go Out and Explore the City or You may also plan a Trip to Somewhere interesting.
  • Party - Call out your Friends and party Make it either at your home or a place outside but remember your Palls should be there as you'll feel better with them, You'll get a good time enjoying it. [Read: Ноw tо party lіkе а Rockstar/Dude аnd Impress еvеrуоnе]
  • Forget and Move on - You may stand-up and do whatever Your heart says Follow your Life. Try focusing on your Life goals and be Single for some time [Read: The positive side of being single] and After a while, See someone If he/she worth it and Don't lose Hope Life has so much to give that was just a Break Up "Let it Be" and Move on. :)


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